Back Pain

A patient receives a massage for back pain in the physiotherapy clinic

We've all experienced back pain. It's among the most common causes of musculoskeletal discomfort. It's multifaceted, and every case is unique. We understand. Let us guide you through the complex journey of managing and eventually curing your back pain with expert back physiotherapy.

Why do I need physio?

Our spines are comprised of 3 mobile sections;

  • Cervical (Csp) = neck

  • Thoracic (Tsp) = mid back

  • Lumbar (Lsp) = lower back as well as the immobile (fused) sacrum and sacroiliac joint (SIJ).

They have uniquely variable shapes, sizes and curvatures but similar properties and functions. They enable movement, provide structure/support and protect vital parts of our internal systems.

It's no surprise that injury rates are high, right? The force exerted through the spine is immense. Some of us put more strain on our backs than others, leading to various risks and injuries. The key takeaway is that your spine is an incredibly strong and stable structure. The real challenge lies in identifying the causes and contributors to your pain, which is where the puzzle begins to unfold.

How can you treat my back pain?

We listen to your story, understand your needs and provide reassurance to simplify the complex and focus on what’s important: The end result.

There are no gimmicks or no quick fixes that keep you coming back. No scaremongering, fear tactics or scan over-interpretation. Just honest, evidence-based, high-quality care. You may need some manual treatment to ease pain and assist movement before progressing to exercise-based rehab.

If we can get you better, we will. If we need help with understanding and managing your pain, we’ll work with you to seek further input from allied health professionals to get you back on track.